Me happy
Me Happy

Short about #FluxXx
Online now:

FluxXx is a loosly knit group of people that meet at a irc channel called #fluxxx on the irc network efnet. We don't realy do anything productive, but we have a good time.

We are people from Norway, Australia, Britain, Denmark, Cyprus and Bergen. Sometimes we even get visitors from Tananger!!!

#FluxXx Regulars 1337's || c0r3 3v3n

Sorted by os,name,client
nick arch os dist cli
mikkeTeus i386, m68k Linux, AmigaOS Gentoo, Debian irssi
jgilje Sparc64, i386, PPC, mips64 MacOSX, Solaris, irix 6.5.22, Linux Panther, CRUX, Debian irssi
The_ball i386 Linux Gentoo, Debian XChat
WanHorn i386 win XP XChat
hebba i386 win XP mIRC
T0ffluss i386 win XP mIRC
Tea4two i386 win XP mIRC
Genghes i386 win XP mIRC

You can see a list of all nics that have been on #FluxXx since it's creation here

:bow: Fluxx0rz with pages :bow:

Short stats for #FluxXx
#FluxXx Links