Add Comment 17 years 5 mons 6 days ago (Wed 16 May-07 )
New degree and job
Hi guys, long time since my last update. So much has been going on. Got a new job, with a company called EditShare. It's a storage solution for video editing and I am the their IT guy for the Australia branch. I get to work with Linux all day long so I am happy.

I finished my previous degree (Bachelor of Information Technology). My graduation ceremony will be this December (14.12.07) and everyone is invited... hint hint

Got a new car again,:burnout: the other car (the magna) was a piece of you know what. This is a newer Falcon than the one that was stolen and it hasn't had to many hickups yet. My so called friend Paul svindeled it on me :nana:

I have been telling myself to put some new photos up here, but I must not be listening. :-/ Very busy with uni and work so not a much time to do anything else :(
From The Car Dealer: What do ya bloody mean mate? It was a bargain buy! Great deal! Paula\'s automobil sale will look after ya! Fair dinkum! :norway:
Add Comment 18 years 21 days ago (Sun 1  Oct-06 )
New car, again...
I just bought a "new" car today, again. My last car, a Ford Falcon, was stolen outside my house. The car I bought today is a Mitsubishi Magna 1988 station wagon with auto, aircon and power steering. I will pick it up tomorrow.

Other than that I now have a part time job over at Computer Alliance selling IT stuff.

There has been very few pictures put on the website the last year or so. This is because my old camera was stolen. Today I also bought a "new" digital camera of e-bay for $50. :banana: So now I will start putting some more pictures on here.

I have to get back to my horrible assignments, till next time!
From Eva :) : good for you Alex :) I'm so glad you have a car now !
Add Comment 18 years 4 mons 23 days ago (Tue 30 May-06 )
Congratulations Ian! :clap:
First a shout out to my good old friend Ian who has finally got a pilot job for Norwegian, which means he will be moving from Czechia and back to Norway. That's great news. We will make some interesting R/C projects when I get back.

Wow almost ten months since the last update. That's a new record, though that's not a good thing. Well, I'm back in Australia and have moved into a house in Coorparoo which I share with my roommate Christian. My current phone numbers are on the 'about me' page as always. The work load this semester has been very intense but the semester is almost over now and I can't wait to have a little vacation.

My Information Technology Project is almost finished, we have used two semesters and over 2000 hours to create It's an application which allows management of taxis and it should be taken into full use shortly. There is only one individual assignment before all deliverables for this subject are done.:ok:

I found this funny and amazing video clip on the net: Traffic in India. I don't know their road death tolls, but they must be high.:hypnotized:

I see there is quite an amount of spam posted in the comments by spam robots, I will be dealing with that shortly... :cop:
From !!!: whoa, that things crazy (the video of traffic)
Add Comment 19 years 2 mons 14 days ago (Mon 8  Aug-05 )
My Birthday
So I'm 26... not very exited, I have noted my decremental counter is getting closer to zero. Thanks for all the greetings and gifts! I'm back at Uni and tomorrow morning I've got a meeting with a client in our Information Technology Project. The project has a one year lifespan. We are six people developing a taxi "system". Not sure yet what the system is supposed to do, but I'll find out tomorrow. I'm also working on a big assignment in Operating Systems which might be a bit of fun when it starts working.
From Eva :) : Happy Birthday :clap: Alex hope you get lot of fun prezzie. Back here in cold :norway: we all miss you a lot. seby and the rest of us want you tho come home.
From amerei: you've got :mail: belated happy birthday dude!! :duel: :ok:
From johnno: dude, you havnt updated in ages
From ???: you never update ! ;( please update we're getting sick of waiting ! #|
From !!!: yeah, i agree with ???, hurry up and update
From BMW: Ehmm..m. Sehr gut Seite! Ich sage innig..!:) bmw
From !!!: are you even alive nemore?

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