
Crank Smash

Disassembely after the chain derailed on the front sprocket. I found out two engine mounts are cracked, dont know when that has happened, could be years ago. Click an image to view a larger version
all in parts.jpg all ripped out.jpg engine mounts 2.jpg*
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Engine casing crack

The crank casing is cracked :(( after the chain derailed on the front sproket. :bang head:
After I took of the heads I found the pin-bolt that goes through the con-rod was missing one clip!! Very lucky the pin-bolt didn't move into the cylinder-wall

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pict0001.jpg pict0002.jpg pict0005.jpg welded.jpg
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Cylinder and piston

One of the clips that holds the pin bolt in place have started to move and disformed the groove and then jumped out into one of the ports. This must have happened when the piston was going up and the clip has gotten down into the crank where it has found it's way up on the other side of the piston. So I got both sides of the cylinder brused.

Click an image to view a larger version
1 cylinder.jpg 2 cylinder.jpg* 10 piston.jpg 11 piston.jpg 12 piston clip grove good.jpg 13 piston clip grove bad.jpg 14 comparison.jpg
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Coming back together

Starting to put the pieces back together, finaly! After getting the engine back

Put new piston in the scratched cylinder, and now the engine is pulling stronger than ever :)

Crank case welding AU$ 120
Some seal maker AU$10
Nautral sensor AU$??

Click an image to view a larger version
1 giving the subframe a quick spray.jpg 2 pretty stipped.jpg 5 starting to get back together.jpg
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