Me happy
Me Happy

My Crashes / Mishaps ;(
:-/ 2003/11 24yr RGV250M Ran of the road in a slow tight turn
I lost the front in a tight turn. Front tire had a groove from exessive wear on the track and when I tipped the bike that far over the front slipped. I managed to get the front back in, but then I was aproching the white line on the other side of the road and thought I better run it off an stop it. Which I did... just that the ground was so slippery with leaves and such that I fell and the bike stopped in the hill between a tree. Full leathers, so only a bit soar here and there...
In hindsight I think I might have been able to pull it off if I had tried once more to lean as far as possible and lent of the bike. Because I ran of at such a slight angle compared to the road there was only a slight margin I would have to pulled more... So I'll try to learn from this...
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